Prof. Mafune began his academic carrier as an undergraduate student at the University of Tokyo in Japan, where he stayed to study for his doctorate at the Quantum Chemistry Laboratory. He began his job carrier as a Research Associate working at the Univerity of Tokyo, where he developed a Liquid Surface Chemistry using a unique Liquid Beam method. In 2000, he was awarded the Chemical Society of Japan's Young Researchers Award. In 1997, he moved to Toyota Technological Institute as a Research Associate, a Lecturer and later an Associate Professor before becoming an Associate Professor at the School of Arts and Sciences in the University of Tokyo in 2003.
Prof. Mafune's research centers on the development of totally new catalysis for reduction of NOx and CO generated upon combustion processes. His group developed new experimental methodologies to produce simultaneously multi-element materials with different stoichiometry, and to screen catalytic reactivities of them by an in-line analytical method. The scientific approach is very unique based on the molecular science, the environmental sciences and nanotechnology. One of the goals of the research is to develop a new catalysis composed of ubiquitous elements.