Prof. Maeda is an economist whose expertise is in energy and environmental economics, financial economics, and microeconomic policy. Before his appointment at the University of Tokyo, he has taught at Kyoto University and Keio University and has served as a Research Fellow, the Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. He also worked with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria as a Research Scholar.
His current research interest centers on microeconomic theory and its applications to energy and environmental policies, in particular climate change policy. His recent book, Environmental Economics and Policy in Nikkei's "Seminar Series" (2010: Nikkei Publishing Inc.; in Japanese) provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject. He is also the author of The Economics of Emissions Trading (2009: Iwanami Shoten, Publishers), Economic Theory of Capital Asset Markets (2003: Toyo Keizai Inc.), and A First Course in Managerial Economics (2003: Keio University Press) (all in Japanese). He is a coauthor of Innovation in Energy Technology: Comparing National Innovation Systems at the Sectoral Level by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD Publishing (2006). He serves as editorial board members to academic journals, including an associate editor of the journal of Energy Economics.